A review by lillyminasyan
Days in the Caucasus by Banine


I believe this is my very first book written by Azerbaijani.
Banine’s memoire was very interesting (to say the least). It was an interesting insight of how people were living in the Caucasus in the beginning of the 1900’s. She was quite an open minded person and overall sounded unbiased for me.
I am also glad she talked about the Armenian-Azeri relation throughout her book and how Dashnaks had affected her life and how a good Armenian family took care of her.
Shows that in every nation there is a group that is just filled with hatred and is doomed by it.
The books is translated from French (I believe), not sure how well she has written in French, but the descriptions in English were very vivid and I did not get bored at all.
Noting, that her life was not a typical one, she was the daughter of one of the richest man in Azerbaijan, then they lost all of it to Bolsheviks and started their lives abroad, in France.
Definitely recommending this book, especially if you are as interested in history as me