A review by juicelina
Bad Boys, Happy Home, Vol. 3 by SHOOWA, Hiromasa Okujima


Was not expecting this to end after three volumes! I'm kind of sad, but I think it wrapped up okay.The conflict could've been stretched out a little longer, but I'm fine that it didn't because I cared more about their relationship than all the other stuff. It did feel a bit too rushed though.

I'm not exactly sure how I feel about the end, because it just felt like it came too soon. Also it just went completely off the wall. Especially when they were going on their nature walk and they almost died on the bridge, but all the animals in the mountain came to save them. Like it sounds so ridiculous you'd think I was making it up, but no it really happened.

There was a lot going on in the story overall that I kind of forgot things had happened until they made the connection in this volume. Maybe if I read all three straight through things would make more sense. Overall this was a very silly series. The first volume was my absolute fave and while the second two didn't quite live up to the first, it was still a pretty enjoyable series.