A review by thereaderofbooks89
Asterion by Alessa Thorn


As most of my followers know, I love me a good mythology retelling. And that is what this series is, so far.

This first one stars Asterion and Ariadne.

Asterion is free from the Labyrinth and works for Hades, his Uncle. He has a fearsome reputation, both as man and as a beast.

Ariadne is an orphan who is a fearless and emotionless assassin, trained from a young age. She would do whatever it takes to buy her freedom.

Even take on a contract from a rouge group Pithos to kill the Bull himself.

Everything that can go wrong does, and after the botched attempt, Ariadne and Asterion must rely on each other to solve the mystery of who Pithos is and why they want to kill the God's.

This story is face paced and has just enough spice that I don't mind it. Yes, Ariadne and Asterion fall fast for each other, but as this is a mythology retelling, I didn't mind it that much.

This series is about the 'bad guys' of mythology finding love and a sense of peace, which is longed deserved for them!

Ms. Thorn has a new avid read in me! I can't wait to devour the next book in the series!

4.5 out of 5 stars for me!