A review by libralita
Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes


There will be some spoilers to A Book of Spirits and Thieves, so make sure you’ve read that book before reading this review.

The story begins with a prologue 35 years ago with a small boy who afraid of the dark. His mother comes in and promises him that he will become very powerful. That child turns out to be a young Gaius Damora. Let’s see if Rhodes can make this asshole sympathetic. She’ll have an easier time than Isabelle Grayson.

We jump to present time where Magnus, Cleo and Nic are too late to stop Amara leaving with the water kindred. So they head back to the Limerian palace.

Side note: There’s a random guard named Enzo who isn’t a total dick. Which is surprising because Limerian guards are always total assholes to everyone.

Back to the story, we meet Kurtis who is the son of the wealthiest man in Limeros. He’s going to be another antagonist.

We jump to Jonas and Lys where Jonas is still in pain because Felix stabbed him. They’re still a thing, which I don’t know I feel about that. They decide to head to Auranos to try and kill the king and Magnus.

Back in Limeros, Cleo is going to get a girl killed by asking her to spy. She’s then going to get herself killed because she seems to trust Kurtis , who is obviously very evil.

Morgan Rhodes always make her immortals do really mundane things, the fire kindred eating soup, Markus taking college classes.

Back in Auranos, Felix is trying to back to his evil ways but we all know he’s going to be a good guy in the end. He goes back to Gaius, gives him the air kindred and now they’re headed off to Kraeshia.

Now for the first time we get to see Amara’s perspective and get to see Kraeshia. It’s very purple and green. We also get to see Elan, the second eldest Kraeshian son who is very sickly and Amara’s father who is a total sexist dick.

So apparently in Kraeshia they see women has just trophies and really disposable. There’s this ceremony where the Emperor tried to kill Amara by drowning her, but her mom gave her a potion to bring her back to life. But in order to do that the mother died. It’s all very strange. But in the end I feel sorry for Amara, who wants to because the first Empress at any cost.

So Jonas and Lys go down to Auranos but Jonas finds out Gaius is already headed off to Kraeshia. Also Jonas’s wound is badly infected and expected to die. So Lys and Jonas have to go find a witch then they’re going to go kill Magnus to save Cleo. Which they better not because I still ship Magnus and Cleo.

Back in Limeros, Magnus is trying to do king duties because wars cost money. Also giant roads cost money. Because Kurtis is a dick he invites Cleo to the meeting, this undermines Magnus because women aren’t allowed in on these meetings and if Magnus says know then stupid Cleo will just go running into Kurtis’s creepy arms. So he lets her in and Cleo’s solution to the money problem is wine.

Cleo has a dream about Theon, Theon is really cock blocking from his grave. I still really ship Magnus and Cleo.

So then Lucia comes to the palace, first she kisses Magnus and then she forces the information about the wheel out. Turns out Timotheus was sending watchers to make the wheels not work.

“‘He’s not manipulating me. I agreed to help him.’
‘So it seems that Lucia Damora is capable of speaking the truth.’ He shook his head, then looked at her with what Lucia recognized as pity. ‘You are filled with so much anger and pain and you grief. Yet instead of letting those emotions run through you and make you stronger, you choose to unleash them on the rest of the world so that others might feel your pain as well.’
‘Are we done here? Lucia snapped, trying her hardest not to think of anything truthful, lest Timotheus use it against her. ‘I’m getting very bored.’
‘You think this armor you’ve created will protect you, but it’s only a distraction. Beneath it you’re still the same spoiled and selfish girl you’ve always been.’”—Page 187

I love Timotheus, he’s basically trying to give Lucia a good smack to make her wake up. Lucia just feels like a spoiled brat who’s throwing a fit.

Also does Lucia not realize that Kyan easily betrayed Melenia and he’s probably going to do that to you, too?

So King Gaius and the Kraeshians have dinner, Gaius basically tells a big fat lie saying that he has all four of the kindred and that Lucia is on his side. Amara finds this very amusing but because she has major daddy issues so she finds Felix.

“‘Your nose is crooked,’ she said.
He touched it, then frowned. ‘It’s been broken a few times. Frankly, I’m lucky to still have a nose.’
‘It’s quite ugly.’
‘I like it.’
‘Thanks?’ He cleared his throat. ‘Is there something I can do for you, princess?’
‘Actually, yes.’
‘And what’s that?’
‘You can take me to your bed.’”—Page 202

That escalated quickly…I ship it.

In Limeros it’s the day of silence to worship the goddess, Cleo takes this opportunity to speak to Magnus. She finds him in the private palace temple, which is very beautiful. She discovers that Magnus has a sketchbook and is very talented. I’m sure eventually he’s going to start to draw Cleo and I swear they’re going to get together. But for now Cleo has to remind Magnus that he killed Theon.

So we discover that Laelia, the dead chief’s daughter, is actually Lucia’s sister. But instead of wanting to get to know her or even help her because she obviously needs money, Lucia just leaves. Then she whines about having no family and being alone. Bitch, you’re the one pushing everyone away. You don’t want help from your brother or to get to know your biological sister.

Lucia goes shopping but then someone steals her purse. Jonas ends up stopping the man, Jonas and Lucia both recognize each other.

So Lucia wants the earth kindred so tries to get it out of Jonas. However, Kyan comes in, recognizes that Olivia is apparently a watcher who can turn into hawk form and then kills Lys.

Back in Kraeshia, Felix and Amara have been having a good time. Later Milo tells Felix to make sure the ship is ready to make a quick escape because the king threatened the emperor. Then he meets Taran and is reintroduced to Mikah who are both rebels. They convince Mikah to come help them fight for the rebellion. Felix also decides to see if Magnus wants in on this.

So Amara is hiding the water kindred and Ashur apparently went to an apothecary (potion maker) but no time for that because Morgan Rhodes is the queen of escalating thing things quickly.

So first the emperor decides to marry off Amara to Gaius. So Magnus had sex with his stepmother, wonderful. Then Amara poisons her brothers and father. Then Amara accusing Felix of doing it and sends him to the dungeon. Jesus Christ!

Now Gaius and Amara are off to Mytica.

Felix is being horribly tortured and his going pretty insane. However Jonas is to the rescue!

“‘Not exactly. They were sure you were already dead, but—I don’t know. I had this feeling you weren’t.’
‘And this feeling was so strong that you risked busting into a Kraeshian prison to see if you were right?’
‘Looks like it worked.’
‘You came here to help me.’ Felix stared at Jonas, and the tears began to fall again. ‘Damn it.’”—Page 308.

Aw, my poor baby! I love Felix and now he’s going to wear Jonas’s old eye patch. That’s so sweet.

So apparently the reason Eva was destroyed was because her magic was weakened by her child. I know who that child is…hehe…any way Lucia is pregnant.

Back in Limeros, Magnus has taken the earth kindred and they fight until Magnus says he never wants to see her again. They’re totally getting together.

Amara and Gaius are setting sail and Rhodes tries to make him sympathetic. He talks about how he was love with a woman and his mother made her hate him somehow. It’ll be interesting if we ever get to hear that story.

So Magnus gets drunk because he thinks that Cleo is lying about Amara and Gaius coming. Then Cleo gives this really passionate speech and Magnus realizes that he was wrong about her. But it’s too late because the Kraeshians have arrived. Magnus runs back into the palace to try and find Cleo. Kurtis being the asshole that he is, is working with Gaius, he captures Cleo. Magnus chops off his hand, Star Wars style. Magnus runs out into a storm to try and find Cleo.

Cleo wakes up in cell, Amara comes in and offers Cleo a deal to work together however Cleo just hits her over the head with a whine bottle.

Magnus wonders around for a while until he finds a small cottage in the woods. He’s attacked by Cleo, they nearly kill each other and then they finally admit their love for each other. It couldn’t be more beautiful.

So Lucia realized that Kyan was actually evil and she banished him back to his crystal, I think. She also transported herself to the Sanctuary.

Goddammit, so apparently Althea was Magnus’s mother and not Sabina. It’s good to know that Sabina didn’t try to seduce her own son.

So I guess the blood of Lucia’s child will be able to awaken the kindred.

Gaius tries to force Magnus to kill Cleo, they have a sword fight, Cleo holds the earth kindred over the cliff. She drops it, there’s a earthquake and Gaius falls down. They check to see if he’s alive and Gaius reveals in his last dying breaths (possibly? I dunno if he’s actually dead but whatever) that he was in love with Cleo’s mother. So does that mean that either Cleo or her sister are Gaius’s. That would ruin my ship if it were Cleo but not as much as Nic.

So apparent Taran is Theon’s identical twin brother and Nic had to go and tell him that Magnus killed his brother. Now Taran is gonna try and kill Magnus. Also Ashur is somehow alive because why not.

This was an amazing book, so many twists and turns. I can’t wait for the next book coming out in…DECEMBER?! NOOOOOOOOO!