A review by laurenraereads
Feels Like Home by Melissa Grace


Representation matters. Whether that is race, gender, sexual identity, or any other facet of human existance, being able to see characters like yourself in books and movies and TV is so incredibly powerful. And this book had it!

Not only did this book feature a character with a chronic invisible illness, but it also showcased her journey to diagnosis and learning how to live after diagnosis. And the way Katie was treated by the medical community at first was appalling and completely realistic on how women are treated. I think every woman has experienced at least a touch of the sexist undertones in medical care. I can only imagine how magnified it must be for those with chronic illness as they fight for a diagnosis!

This book is about found family. About learning to rely on others when you need it, and how sometimes being strong for yourself means asking for help. Its about friendship and love and the power of the human spirit. And there is spice. Of course. Because everyone deserves love and really great spice in their life!