A review by atrailofpages
Leviathan's Song by Elsie Winters


I have never related to a character as much as I did in this one. And adding to that being a great story and a great romance, even better!

This story follows Elara who is half human half elf and owns a shop with her best friend Sidney, a magpie shifter, selling magical items. She can imbue her magic into items, including golemancy where she can create large humanoid objects, which she no longer does since she does not want anyone to use them for violence. One day, she runs into Levi, who is half human half mer/siren, and she is very drawn to him, but very wary of him because of what he is. While trying to avoid this alluring and charming man, she starts being hunted by a gang called the Phantoms who want her to make them golems. Levi and Sidney try to help protect her, when the sprites then reach out Elara asking for help to build them a golem to help protect their home. And now Elara has to decide whether to against her conscience and risk making a golem to protect the sprites, or not.

I can safely say that Elara and I are quite literally the same person. She is an introvert, loves books, not a fan of large groups of people, has a best friend who is super outgoing and loves parties, she mentions needing "me time"(which I totally get), and loves large billowy and oversized shirts(which I also love). Her personality is just so similar to mine, I was floored. The way she handled herself around people is very similar to me, and when trying to navigate her relationship with Levi, especially when she would get tongue-tied around him, I felt the same way as her at the same time lol. I also appreciate that she never allowed drama, or his insecurities to get in the way of their relationship. She handled it the way I would have and I really appreciated that!

And then Levi, he is just the epitome of cinnamon rolls. He is the sweetest, most adorable, charming and handsome siren I've ever met. The way he takes care of and treats Elara was just ridiculously adorable and I just about gushed through the whole book! He has a tragic backstory, and you can't help but feel for him, and him and Elara are so different and come from such different worlds I'm just rooting him for the whole time!

The romance is also lovely. I adore slow burn romances, and this is probably the slowest slow burn I've ever read, and I loved every second of it! I appreciate how they took their time to get to know each other, and never rushed anything, and it just felt so real because of how slow they took it.

The world is also an interesting concept with a world within a world. There are gates that the Fae creatures can access, but humans cannot, to enter the Fae world, but also have access to the human world and live amongst humans. I really liked the concept and how the world was set up.

I truly enjoyed this book. It primarily focuses on the romance, but also has a great story to it that I think really adds to the story and the romance. I highly recommend this book, and look forward to reading the next one!