A review by kathydavie
Breathless by Anne Stuart


Actually, this one should have been titled Reckless as its primary female character is incredibly reckless and never seems to learn Society's rules. A very enjoyable erotic romance if only for its unique approach to romance. Miranda is secure in her family's love and wealthy enough to ignore society. A youthful indiscretion casts her from society only to find her incredibly bored and ripe for the Earl of Rochdale's plucking. A man who has only a vicious revenge on his mind.

Toss in Miranda's plain friend, Jane, who has given up and accepted the hand of a priggish bore yet accidentally encounters the roguish, handsome king of the thieves whose kisses melt her resolve.

This has been a fun series as its heroines have been plain and on-the-shelf. A nice switch from the ravishing beauties...