A review by haley_radke
For Black Girls Like Me by Mariama J. Lockington


I loved this book. It is a unique look through a transracial adoptee's eyes at living in a white family. I learned so much about microaggressions and subtle ways adoptees are 'othered'. I appreciated the lyrical details and style. The letters, the songs, the dreams, the blog, all of it is carefully woven together seamlessly. I've read it twice now and enjoyed it even more on re-read. Mariama is a fabulous author and one to watch.

*Spoilers to come:
Some challenging topics (mental illness and a suicide attempt) move it from middle-grade to YA in my estimation, but I've been conservative on that front for my own kiddos. I also loved seeing the topic of adoptee life explored without a search/reunion plot.

Mariama's appearance on the Adoptees On podcast: