A review by hharkins
Where Did You Go? by Jeneane O'Riley


Honestly, if you have ever wanted to write- take the success of this series as a sign to write your book. 

Doesn't matter if it isn't good, there's someone who will read and love it. 

I can't believe I paid money to read this, honestly πŸ˜‚πŸ™ƒ. 

80% of this book is just nothing. Picture you're playing an RPG and you just keep having to complete side quests to get on track for the main storyline quest. Now picture that all of those side quests add nothing to the plot, they're not fun, you gain nothing, you're just grinding through and hoping to return to the main story sometime soon. That's this book. 

No real world building. The characters aren't even fully fleshes out or developed. Their interactions are weird and awkward. The spicy scenes are out of place and feel forced into situations just to cater to the crowd that will read just for the smut. 

Picture this- the love of your life is close to death because he's been draining himself to keep you alive. The clock is ticking. You have to find a clue- a single book in a huge library. There's no time. You're panicking that he's dying. Do you search for the clue? No, of course not- you awkwardly do it in the library and use books as nip clamps while your best friend searches instead. πŸ™ƒ

I'm not even a picky reader. I'll read and fully enjoy books that's aren't polished or well written just for the ✨vibes✨, but this is a trainwreck and a half. 

"'You may be her father, Zef, but I’m her daddy now.' I smirked."