A review by yatllive
Struts & Frets by Jon Skovron


Struts and Frets by Jon Skovron tells the coming of age story of Samuel Bojar a high school rock and roll member of a garage band. Skovron explores the rollercoaster moments of growing up, the moments of inspiration and the moments in life when things click. Sammy is a songwriter and musician who is struggling to find his place not only in his band but also in life. In a time span of two weeks Sammy struggles with friends, band mates, and worst of all with family all while trying to get ready for Battle of the Bands and hopefully making his dream a reality. Through it all his music moves him and is an underlying motivator in his decisions.

What I appreciated most as an artist and music lover was the artistic and inspirational drive of the story. Sammy shows that being an artist is possible and whether it is music or art of other sorts you can be yourself and be happy doing what you love even though it is not the easiest path in life. Sammy throughout the story is trying to find himself and despite the hurdles life throws at him. Skovron does well to show the true power of music. The Music and lyrics quoted in this book function like a soundtrack seamlessly blending the real life circumstance with the inspiriting words of the song in that moment. Think of a movie: how a character is at pivotal point in the plot arc and the song seems to fit the mood of the moment.

Skovron’s book is multifaceted with multiple plot arcs –Sammy’s friends, band, mother and grandfather –while still sticking closely to the story of the music almost as if it is its own character. For a male’s point of view Skovron successfully draws us in emotionally and I easily related to Sammy and his struggles. Though there was no big bang in the story line I was still interested in learning how Sammy’s band, girlfriend and grandfather issues will play out. It is realistic and true and a good easy read for any music lover or artist. But I won’t stop there…I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys music; the songs are not solely of the rocker variety but are as varied as the characters and it’s an overall pleasure to read.