A review by sam_hartwig
First Love by James Patterson


I've been let down by James Patterson's most recent romance novels. I think it's because he has a co-writer and it doesn't have his same storytelling flair.

I did enjoy this one though, but I have a feeling it's trying to cash in on all the other "cancer" books out there at the moment. I kind of feel this is a poor man's "The Fault in our Stars". But I liked both the characters, they were written really well and I liked going along with them on their journey. I think I would've enjoyed it more If I hadn't read TFIOS recently.

I may have ruined it a little for myself when I started. Something I do with all my novels is look at the end of the book to see how many pages there are, and this time round it was a bad idea because there was a HUGE spoiler at the end that I could not not look at. Oh well!