A review by jackiestone
Acrobat by Mary Calmes


2.5 stars

I have a list of things I didn’t quite like about Acrobat, so let’s get into it.

1. The writing felt disjointed

Scenes were omitted that were important to the story, like the mugging between chapter one and two. We end chapter one with Nate talking to his ex-wife and her husband, and we start chapter two in the hospital after Nate saved a woman from being mugged. This is an important scene that acts as a catalyst for the story, and is constantly referenced, but do we see it? No.

In one sentence it would be daytime, and in the next, it would be the middle of the night. Don’t even get me started on the dialogue. Speaking of which…

2. Character interactions

Every time any character interacted, I kept thinking, people don’t act like this. Everyone kept touching each other’s faces. All the time. The dialogue was hard to follow and choppy.

Nate was so well loved that his interacts bordered on hero-worship. For example, his twenty seven year old son called to say his girlfriend was pregnant and they were getting married. And even though they were adults in their late twenties, already living together, getting married, his girlfriend was disowned by her parents. Nate’s ex-wife also freaked out because they were too young. Too young? He’s 27! So, I guess because Nate was happy for them, while everyone else in the book was an asshole, he looked like a saint in comparison and they treat him as such.

3. Romance

I didn’t completely buy Nate and Dreo’s relationship. They were together less than a week when they decided to move in together and start declaring their love. That would be fine if they had any sort of foundation beforehand, like they say they do, but Nate barely acknowledged Dreo’s existence before that week!

I liked some of their scenes, and it was entertaining at times, but overall, Acrobat wasn’t my favorite.