A review by chrissymcbooknerd
Ashes to Ashes by Melissa Walker


I don't feel like I should really give a young adult novel about ghosts five stars, right? I mean, it's another paranormal book with another love triangle and a protagonist that's a little slow and a lot irritating at times.

But... it was such an enjoyable story!

Basically, the novel focuses on Callie, a teenager who dies one night (in her brand new car... go figure!) on the way to her boyfriend's house. (This isn't a spoiler! I promise!) She wakes up to a strange, glowy existence only to discover that she is a ghost -- and she will not move on to the afterlife until she is able to help her dearest love ones find peace with her death.

Callie has a Guide, Thatcher, who assures her that he will help her through the process of seeking acceptance for herself and her family... but Callie meets a group of rebels who make her wonder if Thatcher might be hiding the true extent of her powers and abilities in Prism. So, when Callie is given an opportunity to reconnect with her boyfriend --- maybe even to join him back on Earth -- she jumps at the possibility. But, is there any truth in Thatcher's warnings that she may be making the biggest mistake of her (after)life?

Maybe it's because I've been in a reading slump, or because this is my first book about ghosts... or maybe it's just a genuinely entertaining piece of fiction, but I really loved ASHES TO ASHES. I mean, yes, there were times when I wondered how Callie could POSSIBLY be so unaware of what was happening all around her, but even these annoying little character quirks really weren't enough to detract from the story for me.

I enjoyed Thatcher's character and liked that the author provided a bit more character development and background than I usually expect in this type of story. Callie's friends and boyfriend before death were fairly multidimensional characters too -- I especially enjoyed her quirky best friend and her obsession with all things paranormal. Sure, she was a bit over the top at points, but who didn't know at least one kid in school who acted like this?

And.. that ending! I just really was NOT expecting that ending! And then I find out that I have to WAIT, because this is part of a series?!

If you like cute paranormal fiction with a little tinge of romance and intrigue, go ahead and give ASHES TO ASHES a read. Just know that you'll be waiting a little while for the story to continue...

(4.5 stars)