A review by sjj169
The Bookstore by Deborah Meyler


I have no clue why I finished this book. I did it though. I always feel guilty if I don't make it through an ARC so I guess that prodded me on.
The main character Esme..good grief. The woman is living in New York working on her PHD for Gawd's sake. You think she would have a brain in her head. She does not even come close. Let that man walk all over you sister..while you whine that you love him. Make me sick.

I so wanted to just say walk away from his ass. You can raise a baby. Quit giving women a bad name!
Then there is Mitchell. This asshole has got to be one of my all time hates in a love interest. I can't even say he was the love interest. He was the sperm donor. That is all. He dumps her, finds out she is pregnant, comes back to try and make her choose between him or having the baby. Then Mr. Charming decides he wants to marry her. What does she do?? Frigging agrees.
She should have been saying this to him instead.

This book was supposed to be about a bookstore. There is some bookstore in it but it takes a backseat to this excuse of a love story. I may puke.
Then while Esme is pregnant she constantly whines about not being able to have a drink.

I hope that I have better sense next time and just slam the kindle shut if I pick up a book as bad as this.
I recieved an ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I'm guessing this is about as honest as it gets.