A review by ashureads
The Ghosts We Keep by Mason Deaver


This book is one which follows the narrative of someone who lost their brother and how they come to terms with greif and all the things they didn't know about his life.

For me this book hit really close to home. I have a sister who I'm really close with and who I've known forvever and just reading about Liam's greif made me think of her, it made me cry so much because I thought of how I wouldn't know what I would do without her. So reading a book about losing a sibling, even if you don't have one, it was extremely emotional.

This book brings you all the way through Liams greif. Not once did I not feel the pain they were going through, it was one of my favourite aspects of this book. Just how sad it was how it was written in such a way that you can fully feel the characters sadness, almost as though you lose something yourself.

I really liked Liam's character and his emotions and the way he handled things. It never felt like greif was light-hearted, instead an ugly process which is unavoidable. I also liked how this is coming from a queer narrative but isn't solely focused on being queer/queer romance. I feel like although queer romance is important, queer people don't live in a romance novel. Sure there's many aspects of reality but we do go through things that everyone else goes through. It felt nice to read a narrative from someone who's experiencing greif but just happens to be queer.

I feel like my review doesn't do my emotions justice, I can't think of how to explain how this book made me feel. Except from feeling heartbroken and hollow. Please read this I reccomend it to anyone especially those who like Adam Silvera this ones up there with the saddest books I've read but with my favourites too.

Thank you for reading!