A review by crookedtreehouse
Bloodshot Reborn, Volume 4: Bloodshot Island by Jeff Lemire


If you took out the annual at the end of this collection, this would be a five star book. Lemire closes out the Reborn title (he has one more volume to go under the title [b:Bloodshot U.S.A.|32569195|Bloodshot U.S.A.|Jeff Lemire|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1476141802l/32569195._SY75_.jpg|53141291]) in style as we get some new looming questions, some closure to previous storylines, and a fun Kind Of Deserted Island scenario where we encounter several of the previous iterations of Bloodshot.

This volume could be read on its own (again, without the annual at the end), and it would be a perfectly accessible and enjoyable action hero book. It's not Great Literature but it's Great Fun and totally worth the read.

The annual starts well, placing the Bloodshot mythos in a slasher film scenario, but the short stories that follow it are hokey, or a bit too meta. Close the book at the end of the slasher story, and this is one of the best books in the Valiant Universe so far.