A review by dogearedandfurry
Total Olympics: Every Obscure, Hilarious, Dramatic, and Inspiring Tale Worth Knowing by Jeremy Fuchs


I received a free ARC copy of this via NetGalley and the publishers in return for an unbiased review. This was genuinely very interesting for anyone with even a remote interest in sports - so many inspiring, funny, difficult or amazing stories and so many people I’d never heard of before. The only problem I had with this was possibly a result of it being an ARC - many times I’d be part way through a person’s story, and it would suddenly cut off and another “topic” would be inserted (e.g. how the Paralympics originated), and then it would go back to the previous story. It would cut off mid sentence, and I’d have to skip a few pages ahead to finish a paragraph, go back and read the inserted topic, then resume. I think this is just a blip and it wouldn’t be in the final released copy/print hopefully.