A review by jennadactyl13
Minu elulugu by Charlie Chaplin


This was a very illuminating and heartfelt memoir. It talks about the early years of Hollywood, why he held out making a talking picture for so long, even the red scare after the second world war. The first half of the book is filled with hope and the promise of a successful career. The second half is more the woes of stardom, how America turned against him, and it actually started to seem like he was dropping names here and there. He also jumps around a lot, going from creating a movie to the times he spent with someone from that time (sometimes spanning years) and then goes back to the movie without a break or anything. There were a lot of times when I was confused as to what year it was and constantly had to look up the years his films came out to figure it out.

Two things that I would have like to see more of is how one image or idea helped develop into an entire movie as well as his writing process, and a little more about the courtroom drama when his paternity was called into question. It seemed like a stressful and very important time in his life, and there's not a lot of detail in it.

See my movie reviews at goodflickas.wordpress.com