A review by nnof
Finn's Fantasy by K.C. Wells


3.5 stars rounded up.

This was a pretty solid story that had some issues but nothing glaring.

I didn’t enjoy the scenes with the group of friends to setup the future books. It was just too many people and not enough time to get their personalities to shine. Starting off with the wedding scene was like throwing us into the deep end. The one on one visits with Levi and Seb were much better.

There was almost too much pining going on here. The slow burn for the MCs to get together was enjoyable to a point. I liked how once both MCs realized the other was gay, they didn’t immediately jump into bed and assume both were interested in each other. However, it got to a point where neither MC made a move until one of them was hit over the head with it.

I would have preferred less angst with Joel’s kids. I realize there needs to be some tension, I just don’t think this was done particularly well.

I think the MCs relationship was done pretty well and liked that we got plenty of morning after scenes. There were a lot of sexy times, but the steam was just okay.