A review by charlottenw1
The Secret by Giana Darling


My heart broke for Elle in this book!

She deserved to be treated better and that was frustrating because she kept chasing Sin but everyone knows that the heart wants what it wants and sometimes it's a difficult journey. This was a learning curve for Elle as she's had such a sheltered love life before and now the man she basically loves throws this spanner into the mix and literally breaks her heart in the blink of an eye. The scenes that played out were angsty, heated, chaos and my emotions at times were all over the place. I wanted to continue to love Sin in the moments where I saw what they could be like together and how their future could be but then I wanted to cause him physical harm for how he was walking all over Elle. This was Elle's story and she needed all of these painful, heartbreaking moments to learn and grow. To know her worth and that's what I kept reminding myself throughout the story.

I need to know what happens next because my emotions just can't be left in this state.