A review by kathydavie
Huntress by Caitlin Kittredge, Marjorie Liu, Christine Warren, Jenna Maclaine


An anthology of stories that encompass the concept of a woman hunting within the paranormal.

"Down in the Ground Where the Dead Men Go" (Black London, 1.5)
"Sin Slayer" (Cin Craven, 3.5)

The Stories
Christine Warren's "Devil's Bargain" is a new [to me] approach to preventing the Apocalypse when Lilli Corbin, a half-human, half-demon bounty hunter is required to fulfill the third and last task she owes Sammael. The interpretation of the verses of a prophecy that could wind either way.

Marjorie M. Liu's "Robber Bride" is an intriguing story that reminds me of Ilona Andrews' Edge series with a touch of Faith Hunter's Thorn St. Croix. An isolated settlement. A junkyard. A fixer of things. Shifters and demons clashing. A sense of boundaries. A kiss that promises. Death. Love. I don't really understand the title. The demons rob people of life as can Maggie. Yes, Maggie does collect salvage which I reckon would count as robbing. Although, there's no one left to own what she takes. I suppose the "bride" could be interpreted as Iudra wanting her??

Caitlin Kittredge's "Down in the Ground Where the Dead Men Go" ain't just whistlin' Dixie and it finds the Poor Dead Bastards playing a gig in Scotland where Jack Winter is trapped by his cock and his curiosity into going up against demons. Forced by a geas into aiding a huntress into reclaiming her lover as they go Down in the Ground Where the Dead Men Go. The denouement is most confusing; I did not understand who was doing what or what was their driving purpose.

Jenna Maclaine's "Sin Slayer" should probably be titled Cin Slayer as that's what the London Wardens are hoping the Righteous will do. Or more exactly, what Cin Craven will do with the aid of Michael, Devlin, and Justine. Someone has unleashed a demon on London and Jack the Ripper has gotten bored with killing humans. Vampires are so much more fun.

The Cover
The model on the cover is the concept of the lethal and sexy as a red bustier-clad huntress standing in her high-heeled, calf-high boots with legs braced and a crossbow held down at the wet stone paving on this dark night.