A review by jen286
As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl by John Colapinto


Gender and sex and all of that interests me. People who get sex changes interest me as I have no idea what it would feel like to be a different person in my skin. I just cannot imagine what it would be like, so I like learning more on the topic. This book was really amazing and horrible to think that this is a true story. This is the story of a boy who had a botched surgery and the doctors and parents at the time decided to make him into a girl as they thought that was best for him at the time. The entire time he was growing up he had what seemed like very traumatic sessions with the doctor who was convinced that is he was raised as a girl he would feel like a girl/think like a girl/be a girl. This goes back to the whole nature vs nurture and this doctor was convinced that nurture would win out. This case was also perfect for him as the boy was part of a set of twins and the other twin was raised as a boy. The doctor published papers full of lies to back up his argument and the poor boy was the one to pay the price for all of this. When he tried to talk to the doctor about how he felt like a girl he would get yelled at and such….it just sounded horrible. I cannot imagine what it would have been like to be this kid. Unfortunately I wanted something really horrible to happen to the doctor, like end up in jail or something, but alas no such luck. If you are interested in this subject matter this is a great read.