A review by bhnmt61
She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement by Megan Twohey, Jodi Kantor


I thought I knew everything I needed to know about the origins of the #metoo movement — including my support for it and my support for #believewomen— so I hadn’t planned on reading this book. But I kept hearing about it, so I finally decided to try it out.

I’m so glad I did. There were so many things going on behind the scenes that were not made public, and so many ways that the authors, who wrote the original NYT article exposing Harvey Weinstein’s egregious behavior, were thinking in complex and thoughtful ways about a movement that has been trivialized and mocked by conservatives and right-wing media.

And also, this book is just a great read— even though I knew the general outlines of what was going to happen, I could hardly put it down. Highly, highly recommended.