A review by beckys_bookshelves
To Write a Wrong by Jen Turano


“She was always doing the unexpected, and he couldn’t deny that he found unpredictability to be one the things he enjoyed most about her. “

To Write a Wrong by Jen Turano is a fun-loving mystery with plenty of Jen Turano’s wonderful humor and sweet romance. Daphne, our heroine, is absolutely adorable and probably one of my favorite characters from Jen Turano’s books to date. She is witty and had depth that I appreciated as I read the story. Herman, our hero, is all that a hero should be and I enjoyed the banter between him and Daphne. Since they are both writers there were many great jokes about writers that really added to the story.

It was fun to leave New York for a bit and visit Boston and meet Daphne’s family. The meeting with Daphne’s publisher had me laughing out loud and is worth reading the book for that alone! Jen Turano is able to weave in a deeper story line through humor and talk about real issues facing women then and now.

Jen Turano has once again written a humorous Gilded Age story with laugh out loud scenes, relatable characters, and themes that touched my heart. A fabulous read!

I was given a copy by the publisher and not required to write a positive review.