A review by ghfryer
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Sheryl WuDunn, Nicholas D. Kristof


When I first started reading this book I was expecting to learn ways in which I can help the causes of women less fortunate than myself. The subject was rather brutal and as a reader sometimes felt abused in being forced to hear the account of such atrocities done to women. Even though there were no surpises as to the sort of horrors suffered by women around the world I must honestly admit that they're pernitious prevelence did take me aback.
This book did change me, but not in any way I had expected. I had nievely expected to learn ways to help women in 3rd world countries when in fact those women have helped me. I have come away from this reading experience with new ways to combat corporate bullies and the corporatizing of the world around me. I have been shown small yet powerful ways to change my own community.
This book was not elequently written, but I have changed for the better for having read it.