A review by kirsty_bookworm
How to Disappear by Gillian McAllister


Thanks to Olivia Thomas for sending me a copy for review.

Well, where do I begin. What a roller-coaster that was. I initially strugged to settle down into the book but by page 80 I was engrossed and the pages turned themselves. As with all of Gillian's other novels I failed to find something to complain about. There was nothing I didn't like about it.

So without giving to much away let me introduce you to the main plot of the story. How to disappear is a story about a girl named Zara who witnessed a murder of a homeless man, by a rising football star Luke. During the trial the case collapses and Zara is taken into witness protection after receiving death threats by a vigilante group set on finding justice for Luke's ruined career. Zara and her mum Lauren are given new identities and moved half way across the country whilst her step dad Adian and step sister Poppy stay in London, splitting their family up. We follow both Zara and Lauren's new life in witness protection and we follow the life left behind with Aidan and Poppy. Of course we know life isn't going to be plain sailing and we see the drama that unfolds by this Vigilante football group as they search for Zara known as 'Girl A'.

We see the struggle Zara and her family faces in isolation and separation. We also see the determination of this vigilante group as they search and hunt for 'Girl A' and the shock ending that I didn't see coming.

I have no doubts that How to disappear will be another Best seller and its definitely worth a read.

Five stars from me