A review by chasmofbooks
Black Cairn Point by Claire McFall


I received this book in exchange for an honest review. No compensation was given, offered, or taken to alter the opinion forth with.

Oh my word. I freaking loved this book. This was a trip right up my alley. I don't read a lot of thrillers but I definitely want to read more now. I am all for stories about campers that go missing because of something in the woods.

Note: I do want to say that I did originally receive this and start reading it as an ARC. Due to health stuff, I didn’t finish it prior to publication and ended up buying the paperback.

The Last Witness is told through varying chapters labeled "then" and "now." In the now chapters, our main character is in some sort of asylum or mental institution. We're never really told what exactly it is, but it's clear that the patients there are all unfortunately suffering from some sort of mental ailment. During these chapters, Heather's psychiatrist is trying to get her to agree with his own version of events. She intern covers her own version of events in the other chapters and I really liked the contrast.

I did not want to put this book down, especially after I got about a third of the way into it. I love how the disappearances and various mysterious events weren't rushed at all. I've read a lot of books that rush through these types of moments and I really dislike that. McFall took just the right amount of time between and with each event to really set up the atmosphere. Nothing was rushed or dragged on unnecessarily.

The last 50 or so pages are quite a ride and I WAS HERE FOR IT. The last few pages left me stunned and just stuttering in shock. I'll be checking out what else McFall has written. Definitely grab this book and give it a try, it's worth your time!