A review by novelheartbeat
The Caged Queen by Kristen Ciccarelli


Love withstands all things. Even death. Especially death.

This didn't quite have the magic that The Last Namsara did, but I still really enjoyed it! It was a great companion novel! Don't expect to see much of the characters you loved from the first book. Or dragons. If you can destroy that expectation before you ever go in, you'll enjoy this one a lot more. I was pretty disappointed that there were no dragons or Asha.

I loved the magic involved and the bond between Roa and Essie! It was so magical and strong, and I love that their bond was powerful enough to transcend death. Roa was willing to give up everything for Essie, it was quite beautiful!

"Like a sailor who needs the heavens to find his way home, you were my own star, burning in the night. Helping me find my way."

I love how this book showed that things aren't always as they seem, that sometimes things aren't just black and white. I don't want to say much else because I don't want to give anything away, but I just adore the way the romance is set up! ALL THE FEELS!
SpoilerI love that Dax is seen as a villain for most of the book, when he was really just doing what was best for everyone involved. And he actually did care for Roa all along! I love that her perception of him was so totally wrong. You feel it hardcore, because you as a reader perceive him wrong because she does. But then the veil is lifted and you see the truth - I loved that so hard!! And I loved Dax to pieces!

"Real love is the strongest kind of steel. It's a blade that can be melted down, its form changed with every bang of the hammer, but to break it is a task no one is capable of. Not even Death."

I am very happy with the way that everything played out in the end! It seemed to be headed toward disaster and heartbreak, and while it was an emotional ending, everything wrapped up quite nicely. Not too perfect (because we all know I'm a masochist and don't like HEAs), but bittersweet!

This review was originally posted on Novel Heartbeat. To see a breakdown of my assessment, please visit the full review here.