A review by cowmingo
Free to Live by Tracey Jerald


And the Freeman Family series comes to an end. I have to admit I put opening my ARC off a few times because I was and am still not 100% ready to say goodbye to the Freemans. This is a family I could read about forever. The kids need books and those kids need books and so on and so on. But I digress.

Free to Live is the story of Holly and Joe. Prior to reading this, I absolutely think you should read Free to Rejoice. I know that each book works as a standalone but I think that the full impact and progression of Joe is better understood when you have read both books.

The book picks up about a year after the last book ended. Everyone is happily paired off, having babies, living life and Holly thinks she’s content. Lonely but content. Until it’s pointed out to her that maybe not so much. Joe knows he isn’t happy or content post-Rejoice events but he has a daughter and a job and that is working for him (he thinks anyway). The pair start working together on a fundraiser event for the town’s Victim’s Assistance Fund. Our two lonely-hearts form a friendship that slowly burns its way into something else.

Now like most romance novels, the road to true love and happiness is fraught with roadblocks and pot holes. These hiccups come in the form of misunderstandings, angry grandparents, more misunderstandings, poor communication and one huge event that almost ends it all. Of course it all works out in the end but the road is rocky.

One of the biggest surprises for me was Phil. It’s been no secret to anyone who I’ve talked about these series with that I am less than fond of Phil. He had moments in the other books where I though maaaaybe he’s okay but mostly I just wanted to strangle him. Well, I’m here to tell you, he’s been 1000% redeemed in this book. His scenes with Holly through the course of this book brought me to tears multiple times. Instead of strangling, I was ready to hug him. And apologize. I think this speaks volumes about Jerald’s ability to write. The character development from the beginning of the series to the end is extraordinary and the ability to evoke such strong feelings has cemented her in my heart as a favorite.

My final rating of this installment is a 4 out of 5. It was amazing but I have to say that Emily’s book is my hands down favorite of the series (Free to Believe). If you haven’t picked up any of the books yet, they are part of the Kindle Unlimited program. If you like family sagas with lots of hot alpha males, strong women and sexy times, give the Freemans a try I don’t think you’ll be sorry.

**I received this book in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own. Free to Live comes out on July 10.