A review by judithdcollins
The Chase by Candice Fox


My first book by the talented Candice Fox was the introduction of [b:Hades|22245474|Hades (Archer & Bennett, #1)|Candice Fox|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1421712519l/22245474._SX50_.jpg|25965002] (Archer & Bennett #1) back in 2014, and then I could not wait for #2 and #3—[b:Eden|53551806|Eden (Hades-Trilogie, #2)|Candice Fox|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1590655181l/53551806._SY75_.jpg|42461528] and [b:Fall: Thriller|53551805|Fall Thriller (Hades-Trilogie 3) (German Edition)|Candice Fox|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1590655180l/53551805._SY75_.jpg|45852037].

Once you read her books, you know she has a unique style of delving deep into the darkness of humanity. I adore her dark humor and how she balances it all to make her characters test their limits. But there is always some goodness in her character's brokenness and tragedy.

PRISON BREAK! Her latest, THE CHASE is yet another explosive wild ride. A chilling, propulsive suspense thriller that will keep you turning the pages. What an opening! The mood set for high adrenaline and action.

650 of the world's most violent human beings pour out from Pronghorn Correctional Facility, a maximum-security correctional facility, into the Nevada Desert, the most extensive manhunt in US history begins.

It was a day for families and sports. The families of those imprisoned are held on a bus unless the prisoners are let loose.

John Kradle sees this as a chance to prove his innocence. He was sent to prison for the murder of his wife and child twenty-six years earlier. His story is the most intriguing.

Next, the death row supervisor, Celine Osbourne, has a fixation on John Kradle due to her traumatic past. With this many hazardous criminals set loose to do ultimate damage, she is focused on this man.

The prison break includes serial murderers, pedophiles, rapists, terrorists, and a neo-Nazis. US Marshall Trinity Parker thinks Osbourne could be a little obsessed with Kradle.

With alternating chapters, side storylines provide the background of many prisoners. However, as a reader, you are interested in the whodunit.

It was also interesting to see how the prisoners reacted to the outside world. Some just wanted to enjoy their short-lived freedom, others slipped out, and some had a driving purpose. Without money or transportation, their choices are limited.

Fox taps into some critical issues we experience today in our prison system: budgets, overcrowded, understaffed, and innocent prisoners behind bars and on death row.

The author's character development is highly creative, showcasing the different personalities. My favorite part of the story was seeing how this wrapped up with Kradle and Osborne. Also, the two women (Trinty and Celine) are strong-willed and tenacious. It was also fun to hear the dialogue and banter between these two. LOL.

There is more than one driving force, but the Osbourne/Kradle is the most intriguing. Highly entertaining! I was glued to the audiobook and did not want to put it down.

Candice Fox is a brilliant writer with fifteen books, including her co-authored work with James Patterson.

A special thank you to #NetGalley and #MacmillanAudio for an ARC audiobook narrated by David de Vries and Lisa Negron for a highly entertaining performance.

Review Blog Posted @ www.JudithDCollins.com
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
My Rating: 4 Stars