A review by becsa
Dagger by S.L. Sterling


This was a great quick read that I really enjoyed.

I thought Dagger was a great character and I liked how well he treated the nurses and how much he joked around with them. I was definitely worried about what he was putting his body through but I understood why he did it.

I gave Katy so much credit for escaping Jonas and how much effort she had to put into it. I was shocked though when Dagger revealed how much information Jonas could find by having her gmail account. Now I need to look into that myself! I knew why she was weary about getting involved with anyone, no matter how nice she was told they were after everything Jonas had put her through.

There was chemistry between Katy and Dagger right away but it wasn’t until certain events happened that Katy began to trust him and let him know everything she was facing. I loved how much Dagger helped her with everything and did what he could to keep her safe.

As soon as a certain event happened I knew what was coming and I wasn’t wrong. It broke my heart on how guilty Dagger felt but I knew he would get to Katy!

The end was awesome and I can’t wait to see more of these two hopefully in the rest of the series as we head to Vegas!