A review by abookishtype
Brass by Xhenet Aliu


Teenagers may be the most infuriating people on the planet. Even while they’re confused, hormonal, inexperienced, and terrified, they’re always more than ready to charge ahead into bad decisions. When I was a teenager, I muddled along as best I could but still made a lot of mistakes. Now that I’m older, even though I am not a parent, I want to shout at them when they’re about to do something irreparable. This was certainly true as I read Xhenet Aliu’s Brass. This novel follows a mother and a daughter in two different time periods, so we see them both as teenagers at critical times in their lives. I felt a kind of reluctant hope as I read their stories because I very much wanted them to break out of their family’s poverty and escape the traps an existence with nothing to do but have sex, drink, and work their lives away...

Read the rest of my review at A Bookish Type. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, for review consideration.