A review by mrswythe89
Ōoku: The Inner Chambers, Volume 1 by Fumi Yoshinaga


Oh god the translation why whyyyyy. Or should I say, "Wherefore???" I can't imagine why the translator/editor thought this medievaloid "cometh back for dinner in time, hearest thou?" schtick was a good idea. If the diction is formal and archaic, which I'm sure it is, couldn't they have conveyed that in a way that didn't make everything sound absurd?

Anyway. Apart from the translation, this was great! I love how Yoshinaga totally fakes you out -- at one point I was like, huh, it is clever how she has constructed a matriarchal society in order to tell a shounen ai story that is all about the dudes. But I was wrong! It is not really all about the dudes! I'm curious to know how the series progresses; I thought it was going to be all about Mizuno, but it must not be, so perhaps it's gonna be episodic like Antique Bakery.

I love Yoshimune *__* And her plump friendly "yes do please underestimate me" right-hand woman. I'm definitely going to read more, though I have no idea how I'm going to deal with the dreadful English.