A review by jigsawgirl
The Billionaire's Secret by Nana Malone


I know I have said it before. I hate cliffhangers. Try to avoid them at all costs. With this series and this duet, once again, Nana Malone has me HOOKED!

This is NOT a standalone. At minimum, you have to read book one, "Bodyguard to the Billionaire". This writer brings in a number of characters from previous books, which is great because you get to revisit the couples. After reading this duet, I think you may want to next read Sebastian and Penny's story, "Cheeky Royal".

I didn't think it was possible to like Derrick based on book 1, but I was so wrong. Theo and Zia were a good couple. They were an easy pair to like. Theo had many redeeming qualities while Derrick had none. Until this book.

I felt badly for Derrick and wanted him to find his "Zia". He had a bit of suffering to do first. Then I was hit with a new cliffhanger. No worries. Theo and Zia get their HEA. Some mysteries are resolved. New mysteries are created.

The fun thing about these books is when I think I know what is going to happen next and I am hit with a surprise from completely out of left field. This writer keeps me on my toes.

This book was funny, the dialogue was sarcastic and witty. It has that strong feeling of family, love, and loyalty. there is betrayal, some action, and danger. It is also steamy. I would definitely recommend this fast paced read. Looking forward to what happens next, and wondering who gets to be part of the next couple.

I voluntarily read and reviewed the Advanced Reader Copy of this.