A review by yvo_about_books
Nothing Everything Nothing by Casia Schreyer


Finished reading: November 3rd 2014

"No matter what other people think, you have to love you enough to want to be in this world. You have to love you enough to see your strenghts and your value even in the face of failure."

*** A copy of this book was kindly given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Casia Schreyer! ***

Wow. Books don't leave me speechless often, but Nothing Everything Nothing is definitely one damn impressive novel. Casia Schreyer touches sensitive themes as teenage insecurity, (virtual) bullying, sexual harassment and suicide attempts without it becoming a boring lecture. It left me thinking of my own high school experiences and that nowadays it has become even easier to completely 'destroy' the life a teenager through websites like Facebook and Twitter... Virtual bullying has become an increasing problem over the years and should never be underestimated. Nothing Everything Nothing is a great novel to read and absorb information about this phenomenon. Through the life of the main character Molly we can see the cruelty of teenagers and its consequences from up close... Molly can be a tad superficial and naive at some points, but then again she is sixteen and desperate to fit in; her so-called friends and boyfriend are only seeking to destroy her. A very strong novel and definitely recommended. Close to the full five stars!

This is a very strong novel that touches some sensitive themes and contains some colorful language, so it is not suited for those who are offended easily. That said, it is a definite must read if you want to learn more about virtual bullying and its consequences. Nothing Everything Nothing is a novel I won't forget soon, and the quote at the beginning of this review is a perfect motto to live by!