A review by bookally
Out Came the Sun: Overcoming the Legacy of Mental Illness, Addiction, and Suicide in My Family by Mariel Hemingway


I stumbled across this book on libby while trying to find an Ernest Hemingway book and decided it could be quite interesting to learn about the family.

Although I thought there would be more about Ernest Hemingway himself I did actually enjoy the book. I read it having no idea who these people actually were or knowing any of their movies but it was still a great read with the underlying messages and the dysfunctional family story.

Not coming from a family with addictions I didnt find it to be too triggering for me although I have alot of close people to me who are or have been around addiction I can see how it could upset them but I could also see how it could possibly help them and give them that feeling of not being alone.

All up I found the book to be very intriguing and insightful and I would definitely recommend it.