A review by naardsx
The Silent Waters by Brittainy C. Cherry


This was one of the easiest books for me to get completely enthralled in. I knew when I first found it last year, that I would love it. Now I'm kicking myself for waiting so long to finally pick it up, because it was so much more than I thought it would be.

I usually prefer steamy scenes in my books, but this is one of the few romance books that didn't need them. All the stolen 5 minutes between Brooks and Maggie were moments I looked forward to the most, and it was in those moments you received the intimacy between the characters—which in my opinion was so much better than if we got steamy scenes.

Brittainy C Cherry does a phenomenal job at sharing these two characters heartbreakingly beautiful story, and depicting their unconditional love for one another perfectly.

This is most definitely one of my favourite books of the year.