A review by karrama
The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee


I wanted to like this book. I wanted to breeze through it in a night and dream warm fuzzies at the end, satisfied in the world being right because the star crossed lovers turned on the lights and saw one another in a dim world. Normally I'd rather not leave a review than to rate under three stars, but I had to say something. Good futurism here, assuming a lot of geological/structural issues change and suspension of belief. But this isn't hard scifi. This is a guilty pleasure, and I've read PLENTY of those rich-kid and outsiders cohabiting in boarding school or with typically absent parent types of books. There are some good concepts in here, any three of which would have made a great book, but the whole didn't come together for me. There are five points of view and I couldn't mesh with any of them. The ending's a cliffhanger, but I don't want to go on. That's on me, probably, but I want to throw it out there.