A review by schomj
Primal by Michelle Rowen, Lora Leigh, Jory Strong


For me, the stand-out stories were by Gray and Strong, but they're both better if you've read previous books in their respective series.

Bleeding Heart by Michelle Rowen
Strong but vulnerable characters, interesting storyline, but the writing style didn't really work for me. I think it has something to do with the pacing of the dialogue, but I'm not sure. This is a normal reaction for me to Rowen's writing, though, so it might just be a taste/personal preference sort of thing.

Skin & Bone by Ava Gray
You'd definitely get more from this story if you've read others in the series, but it also works very nicely as a stand-alone. Mature characters dealing with plausible problems in ways that make sense (well, plausible in a paranormal reality, anyway). The romance was really sweet and makes me believe that Silas and Juneau have a future together, but if you're addicted to your clear HEAs, this might not do it for you.

Angel-Claimed by Jory Strong - I really liked this one, but I've been a Strong fan since her EC days. Both the plotting and the phrasing are dark and ornate; if you prefer things that are fairly straightforward, this might not appeal to you. (Unlike some other reviewers, I didn't find it at all confusing, but I have read a few other stories in the Ghostland series.) Finally, while I really enjoyed the push-pull in Addai and Sajia's relationship, if you dislike D/s elements in romance, this probably isn't going to be your cup of tea.

Primal Kiss by Lora Leigh - All the books in this series are kind of cracked out and have very little in the way of logical consistency, but this is the first story I've read in this series that I would call boring. I don't remember the characters because even when I was reading about them I didn't care about them. I'm not sure if I'm just burned out on the Breeds, but... this is the final nail in the coffin in terms of my willingness to read more of these.