A review by bluuejeans
Black Dawn by Rachel Caine


Book thirtyfive/fiftytwo;
I have waited for this book for what seems like forever. I don't know what to say, it was su intense! With everything. Not only did it have the action and adventure of Morganville but this time it seemed, that there was so much more. With Amelie almost dying, and then the short abbandonment of Shane (which broke my heart!!). And the rescue, and how far away he was all the time.
I think because of all the psychological pressures this book caused that all the other fighting stuff were sort of simpler. Than before I mean. They did have to fight for what they wanted, but it seemed that they managed everytime. Exept the time Shane got left behind.
I cannot even begin on that subject.
I knew Eve/Micheal would figure their shit out.

But I did not expect the death of Richard, that was very sad indeed, and then Miranda, but then she turned into the house ghost, (that ought to turn wierd later on).

But all in all, it was a great book, I really admire R.C.'s tallent, and knowing how to not make the books boring, or dragging out the plot just because.
The next one comes out in November, and then there's going to be atleast two more. CANNOT WAIT! *Building up exciment*

Before they found a solution to conquered the awful draugh, I was having the wildest of fantasies of mashines Myrnin could build, it was fun indeed, rarely happens that a book makes me think in ways to help the characters.

R.C. you are great!