A review by marmoo
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell


This is the rare sequel that not only manages to land on an even more engaging plot than the original, but does so in a way that makes you appreciate the first book the more for it.

It was a smart choice bringing the story to America this time, allowing for Rainbow Rowell to make plenty of interesting observations about her home turf while the characters themselves deal with amusing fish-out-of-water experiences. It also had the advantage of deepening the world-building in a believable way (without any of the why-don’t-you-know-that-by-now challenge of the first book’s in medias res storyline).

And, oh, the angst! The returning characters kept right on their respective roller coasters of emotions, while new characters were instantly lovable—or loathable in the the case of some truly delightfully constructed villains.

If there’s a sequel—and I really have to believe there will be with that cliffhanger of an ending—I’ll be the first in line.