A review by cobaltbookshelf
Headstrong Like Us by Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie


When you think it can’t get any worse, it does.
Only thing positive is that doesn't have Charlie almost at all. His breadcrumbs are still best part of book and please let's not have him talking to self-righteous asshole Farrow makes me hate him even more. Imagine thinking anyone would be jealous of Marrow "love" especially Charlie he saw what true love is in his parents and uncles and aunts.
Now on to rant /review :
My mood while reading this book was boredom and angry.
Using Loren and Lilo to create some cheap drama, playing with emotions of original series readers is disgusting and disrespectful.Just leave them and core six alone like they been doing that this whole series not having core six having any lines to say.

Marrow why do they have four books?! I feel like they been dating at most 4 months and they getting married and having kid..WTF all while Maximoff still has no job.
Maximoff and Farrow are on highest level self- absorbed, arrogant assholes and all of their scenes are without any emotional connection and completed with m/m fetishization.
Wolf scout in alu 32 times, wolf scout in hlu 81 times so there is that.
This better be their last book I don't even wanna see them in others books. Can they go on honeymoon are never return or Maximoff get a job and stop playing "hero" of all families.
So Donnelly who is grown ass man 27 years old that is acting like 15 year old kid can't take care of uncle's child just so Maximoff and Farrow take that baby. That baby is not dog that Donnelly can't give them a baby, law doesn't exist for them I guess. Still is better then Jane with marrow kid think for 1 minute before you write shit like that.
Donnelly is too much in this book everything he said or does is cringy like white trash baby...no words.
Also that bodyguards have millions and millions followers that is so ridiculous anyway I only like are Banks and Akara.
KBR need to get out their bubble where they are only listening praising of 50 year old Facebook soccer mom's that get off on fetishizing m/m couples. Rest of kids deserve their own spin off or nothing at all this bodyguard/client is overdone and overused stop already.
Next book is Oscar and Jack who asked or cares about them when most kids of core six don't have their books.
Reread original series don't read this.