A review by this_fishy_reads
Boys Don't Knit by T.S. Easton


As a knitter, I liked this book because--
1. Knitting!
2. Knitting without a mystery! Why is mystery always the genre for knitting books?
3. Knitting and kids! Getting a whole new generation interested in fiber, aw yeah.

As a knitter, I disliked this book because--
1. Either English knitting terminology is more different than I realized, or someone didn't finish his research. Or he was using more common terms for the non-knitting reader, which is fine, I guess. There were no crochet/knitting mix ups at least.
2. Knitting a sock in an hour. What kind of bulky-weight nonsense is that?
3. There is a...thing that happens every so often in knitting circles, which are, yes, mostly populated by women. There are plenty of knitters who are men, who are nice and talented and funny, and I know they get guff for being men who knit. But the thing that happens is that someone, usually a man, will come in and proclaim their superior knitting knowledge after doing ten rows of garter stitch, and now they're telling you how to knit because they're going to make millions of dollars. To be fair, that doesn't exactly happen in this book. But the sudden and extraordinary talent of the main character, which so easily turns into a viable business on Etsy, kinda butts up to that thing and makes me think of a certain fella who insists blue is waterproof, and another guy who has a new super hip YouTube channel, and that one dude who wanted to build us all a new Ravelry machine...

I did like this book. It's funny, though weird to see what bad boys have turned into in the last ten years.