A review by melodicfate
An Improper Governess by Amy Rose Bennett


3.5 stars.

This was fun, quick, and steamy. I'm a sucker for romances with governesses, so of course I was going to read this after getting it for free. I wish I knew the hero, Nicholas, better. I mean, he was so nice to Abigail, the heroine. But I got no sense of him as a person. Abigail herself was likable. Kind, loyal to her charges, and responsible. She was also a bit reckless, which was what led to the whole fling with Nicholas. Said fling was based on physical attraction, and we only got to see most of their emotional attachment near the end. Still, I liked this for what it was, and I'm glad I read it. If you're ever in the mood for a quick historical romance with lots of steam, go for this one.