A review by crazy4reading
All Cry Chaos: An Henri Poincar Mystery by Leonard J. Rosen


I am not familiar with Leonard Rosen nor his main character in this book. The main character is Henri Poincare. He is an Interpol agent. All Cry Chaos is centered around Henri, his family and his cases.

Poincare is given a case after a mathematician, James Fenster, is murdered on the eve that he is supposed to give a speech at the World Trade Organization meeting. I am no math wiz and found this story interesting and confusing at the same time. When math was being discussed I sometimes found myself reading it again just to make sense of it and other times remembering my times in school and just wanting to get the answer quickly.

Poincare has a long list of suspects. You follow Poincare through all the interviews. Sometimes you were left hanging and felt there was something missing after the interview. There are a few sub-plots in this book. Poincare had caught a high profile murderer and he has threatened his family. Interpol is there to protect him but that is not enough. This is one plot that I found very interesting because of how it affected Henri and his ability to perform his job.

Another sub-plot was the story of 3 orphans. The 3 children became orphans when their parents were killed in a car accident many years before. As the story progressed I found myself trying to figure out who the orphans were. When the end of the book is reached all my questions were answered and some I had figured out before.

If you want a book with intricate story/plot lines, interesting characters with depth then I suggested trying All Cry Chaos.