A review by deevarr
More Than Dare You by Shayla Black


Not for me

This book started off okay and I liked the fact that there was no mind games or lack of communication. Unfortunately it went downhill for me the last third of the book.
First off, I don’t usually care for insta love, and unfortunately this book did not change my mind but rather reinforced why I don’t rarely enjoy a book with that theme.
-Trace being broken hearted/no longer trusting women for years because a woman he knew for a couple weeks (who was also on a rebound) refused his proposal for marriage and she reunited with her ex. His difficulty trusting after that seemed a bit far fetched for me
-Masey’s boyfriend proposing to her on the pier (a reenactment of Trace being dumped by Voldemort) was corny.
-Trace’s tantrum/pouting because Masey asked for a day to consider his marriage proposal….they knew each the for 10 days and he had a problem because she wanted to consider his proposal before answering. His reaction was ridiculous