A review by zombeesknees
The Sanctuary Sparrow by Ellis Peters


I've come late to the Cadfael series, having first watched the television adaptations starring the magnificent Sir Derek Jacobi. Though this is the seventh in the Cadfael series, it was the first I read, since this particular adaptation was probably my favourite.

Peters has an amazing eye for historical detail, and her knowledge of such varied things as botany, criminology, psychology and the human heart is as impressive as it is extensive. Brother Cadfael is a medieval Gil Grissom in a habit, but with more humanity and emotion than that modern counterpart.

The religious aspect of the novel is never heavy-handed or overpowering, every character -- even the minors -- is three dimensional and believable, and the love stories at the heart of the mystery will pull at your heartstrings in an entirely sincere fashion.

A wonderful read for anyone who's interested in history, Medieval Britain, mystery, and the television adaptations.

A+ in my book, Ms. Peters. Brava.