A review by xinetr
A Course in Miracles by Foundation for Inner Peace


This book really laid out for me the differences between the ego and the true Self and allowed me to see which was operating when in my life, mostly in myself but sometimes in others. The concepts in this book are amazingly powerful and the kind of simple that is not easy. But the writing is pretty stilted and gender biased/ Christian-y. I had to really force myself to focus on meaning rather than form (which is part of the point!)

It took me a year to read the text part, a little each day. I continue to try to do a lesson each day. I sometimes revisit the text with study groups. I found the following helpful for practical strategies to help live principles from the Course: _Heartmath_ by Doc Childre & Howard Martin; _Nonviolent Communication_ by Marshall Rosenberg; _Loving What Is_ by Byron Katie; various kirtan cds (for calling God's name = calling your own); _Teach Only Love_ by Gerry Jampolsky.