A review by lilbeeemma
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas


This book is a masterpiece. I loved ACOTAR, and thought the sequel couldn't top it, but let me tell you, girl, it did. I fell in love with this book when I first read it a year ago. I flew through it despite my want to take my time and not have it end. I didn't want the last page to be flipped! This book has made it as my top book on my favorite list since I first read it, and it's still there. I recommended it to everyone!

Spoilers are ahead as this is the sequel. If you are looking for a review on book one, here you go.

ACOMAF continues to follow our main character Fayre (Cursebreaker!) as she's now immortal and must learn the new ways of her mind and body. She's gone through a lot in the last book and is lost. She's no longer the girl she once was, and with an impending war, she's not sure if she can handle it all. But with the help of some surprising friends, Fayre learns to harness her powers and fight like a #girlboss.

The Good:
Well, we know how this will go, huh my readers?

First off, I read this for Rhysand. I would have read this if it was just a description of his wings and nothing more for 400+ pages. Am I obsessive over a broody, cunning, and stubborn hottie? Yes, I am. Rhy's has turned into one of my favorite male characters ever. Back in book one, when we first met him, I had no intentions to like him. I thought he was an annoying dude who had too much time on his hands and had an odd infatuation towards Fayre. I didn't like him and wasn't expecting him to be one of the main characters for this book. I was surprised as I read on and how Fayre decided to stay with him. I wasn't expecting the attraction and downright sizzling that happened. I'm pretty sure at some parts, my kindle wanted to overheat. I adore how Rhy's acts towards Fayre. He saw what she went through at the Spring Court, and didn't want to push her or force her to be someone she wasn't. He was so attentive towards her and what she was going through. It was endearing.

Fayre grew so much during this book. I wasn't too fond of her in the first one. She just seemed too... out there for me. I couldn't connect towards her and was nervous about this one. So when I read about her going through PTSD and feeling hollow, misunderstood and alone, I grew close to her. She went through something terrible and died before returning a different person. She is no longer a mere mortal. I think it would have taken me a while to get that through my mind, and the way she went about it seemed realistic. What I loved most was watching her grow from this wilted flower to a strong, beautiful High Lady. In my mind, I said, "When I grow up, I want to be just like her." And that's true, she's such a role model (minus the, you know, killing parts).

The side characters, Rhy's friends, killed it. It was fantastic getting to know, and their back stories were so interested to read about. I want to know more about them, and hope they're in the next book a lot. Plus I'm digging the heat between the side characters. I think it's interesting to see them interact with each other and finding new love interests along the way.

Maas has a way of writing descriptions. Everything is phenomenally written. I can see everything like I'm looking in a snowglobe. I love reading about the stars, the shadow of power that Rhy's releases every now and then, the town of Velaris. It's so perfect, I'm jealous of her writing. She invokes such strong emotions, and it comes out of the pages.

I love the end. Since I hadn't read this in a year, I couldn't remember what happened so when I was like 88% in, I was freaking out. Like, no. My most favorite mates in the world cannot destroy their bond. No! I was panicking the whole time, which is perfect. It nearly kills me with the thought of them being torn apart and I'm glad they're still mated.

The Bad:
I'm not sure how I feel about the war that's going on. Maybe it's just me and I'm too dumb, but I have no idea what's going on. All I know is war=bad. And blood. Lots of blood.

Tamlin. Don't even get me started. I thought he was okay in the first book, but I downright hated him in this one. His personality turned a complete `180 and I'm not sure how to feel about that. I didn't see any signs of him being so tightly bound to Fayre. I suppose it makes sense for him to act that way after Under the Mountain happened but still... I'm also not happy about Fayre being stuck at the Spring Court with him. I'm hoping it won't be like that for long. I need more Fayre and Rhy's time.

I dislike that Nesta turned into whatever the heck she is. I fear for my soul because I know she's bad and is gonna screw something up. So, Nesta, stay away.

The end. Because it ended. It was perfect. But it ended. Screw you, the last page.