A review by ketreads
Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt


This ain't it, sis.

To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. I had heard and read nothing but good things about this book. As I had seen one of it's main characters is an octopus (!) AND that it featured a murder mystery element I thought it would be right up my alley.
Apparently that wasn't the case. Not only was there very little mystery to this murder, the actual octopus BARELY features within the story. Instead, we're treated to 300 pages of either a semi-delightful old woman mourning the loss of her husband and child OR a 30 year old man-child with mummy issues. Cameron was easily my least liked character by a LARGE margin. He's introduced to us as an serial unemployed loser who IS smart, but chooses to pull the 'my mum abandoned me' card instead of taking any responsibility for his actions. Cameron ends the book with a much undeserved 'redemption' arc that barely makes it into the story. 

Tova is the true main character of this story. Usually, I do love older main characters and to give the author credit, I did enjoy certain parts of Tova's story. Her battle with grief and determination not to be a burden to those around her was a relatable and something we could easily empathise with. Her overall story and eventual end to the story is a heartfelt one, if overshadowed by the rest of the schlock. 

Marcellus (the octopus) had some fantastic scenes but as stated above, barely played a role in the story. It ended with me feeling as though his whole role in the story could be removed and the book would end up being no different for it. 

So, yea. I almost DNF'd at multiple points but ended up reading to the end just to see how Tova and Marcellus ended up.
I would not recommend.